Pull 3f – The Rampaging Hulk #6 (1998)

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Writer: Glenn Greenberg
Artist: Pencils Rick Leonardi
Artist: Inks Dan Green
Cover Price:

Secondary Market:

What I paid:


$1.95 – $2.95


Variants: 0 No Variants
Publisher: Marvel Comics

Hulk jumps off from Crystal Falls right after a fight with the Fantastic Four only to land right in the path of the genetic engineered Native American character Puma! While Hulk is both stronger and has invulnerable skin, Puma is a wiley one and runs circles around the green, giant monster! That is until the Shaman – and Puma’s uncle – stops the fight to talk sense into the fighting creatures.

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Back at Gamma Base, Major Reeves drops the news to Ross and Talbot that the Pentagon has assigned him to Gamma Base indefinitely.

The Shaman continues to try to calm the Hulk but it’s the promise of beans back at their camp that really convinces the Hulk to go. Once he gets there though, it turns out one of the tribe is an informant and immediately lets Reeves know exactly where the Hulk is. The rest of the tribe try t talk to the Hulk, make the Hulk realize there are better ways to express anger. They offer Hulk a drink spiked with something that allows the Hulk, joined by Puma, to visit old friends like Betty and Rick.

In the real world, now calm, the Hulk reverts back to Banner. In the dream state all of Hulk’s friends convince him to talk to one more person – himself – or more specifically, Banner. Hulk isn’t interested in talking to Bruce though as he knows his alter ego only wants him gone. Banner tells Hulk that they both want the same thing and it’s time to end the feud.

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Unfortunately for both of them, Reeves informant has been tasked with assassinating the Bruce Banner. He gets him in his sights and pulls the trigger! Banner goes down and Reeves gets the info that the Hulk has been killed. He boasts to Talbot and Ross that he has done what they have never been able to and killed off the Hulk. They head to camp only to be face to face with the Hulk! Alive!

Yes, Banner and the Hulk come to an agreement and the Hulk threatens the army to back off and leave the Hulk’s friends alone! The Hulk then takes off while Ross tells Talbot that it looks like Gamma Base is back in business!

I don’t feel like this was meant to be the end of this series but maybe the sales for a second Hulk title just wasn’t enough to keep publishing it. I know around this time Hulk fans wanted a more classic take on the Hulk but Peter David wasn’t interested in doing that. This was Marvel’s answer to all the fans clamoring for the “Hulk Smash” Hulk but people just didn’t stay interested. Too bad.

  • Thunderbolt Ross
  • Glenn Talbot
  • Puma
Key: Another Death of Hulk!
Rating: pac (4)

rating 1 none rating 6 * rating 5 ** rating 4 *** rating 3 **** rating 2 *****

Published by ratchet

I am a man. I like the world I live in. I would like it better if pumpkins were available year-round though...

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